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Oh I forgot to mention I am 7 years old and my name is Chad Lincoln. Since we were so far from town there was no school. The women borrowed books and taught us as best they could. We never had an accurate count of the children, it changed daily. With families arriving and leaving daily … it constantly changed. Classes never lasted more than 3 hours, then we were free to run wild . There was a creek not over a 100 yds. from the tent city. As soon as classes were over we all gathered at the creek for a little skinny dipping, both boys and girls. At 7 I was not too aware of the girls til the latest family moved in with 3 teenagers .Carol 13, Louise14 and Dotty 15 all with blossoming bosoms. There was only one teenage boy, Toby 13. when this occurred.. He took one look, his face turned red and he sat down in the creek.. He did not move till the girls had left. I, not having ever seen bare tits was curious I walked over to the oldest and said “Those are pretty can I touch them.” She. Faulkes to tutor you, you will treat him with the same respect as every other member of my staff. You will address him properly and heed what he says. If you cannot do that, pick up your stuff and leave but looking at your grades," he consulted a form on the outside of the folder, "You could well do with the extra work." Bob went red in the face and sat down and I was asked if I would mind taking the class. He promised to pop in whenever he could."Sock it to them Stevie," Jenny whispered loudly enough for others to hear.While the computer was firing up and the worksheets passed round, I tried to get some idea of the subject matter. "As you have gathered, I had no idea this was to happen and have no advance warning of the subject matter so this will be a totally unprepared lecture on my part." I started somewhat nervously, "As such I will treat it as we do the revision lessons at home by going through each stage of the worksheet one step at a time..." So we did and by morning break.
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